Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking time: –
Waiting time: 2-3 days
Portion: 1 jar 500 ml
Difficulty: 1/5
-Lemon: 2 (150-200 gr/ each)
-Ginger: 80 gr
-Honey: 400 ml
-Baking soda: 10-20 gr
-Table salt: 10-20 gr (or kosher salt)
Kitchen utensil
-Glass jar with lid
- Rinse and soak lemon in warm water for 5-10 minutes to remove wax on lemon peel.
- Rub lemons with salt and baking soda to remove excess chemical residues and wash again with fresh water. Then drain.
- Bring to boil 2-3 liters water. Uninstall metal elements of container if available (such as lock,…) and place in a pot or big bowl.
- Pour 2-3 liter of boiling water into the pot. Soak container and lid in 10-15 minutes in hot water to pasteurize. Then drain and dry on rack or cotton cloth.
- Slice lemon into thin slices (thickness 0.3-0.5 cm)
- Peel ginger and cut into slices. Then smash ginger slices to extract the juice.
- Arrange lemon and ginger slices as order: 1 layer of lemon – 1 layer of ginger – ….
- Pour gently 400 ml honey into ginger lemon jar, then close it tight with lid
- Reserve in fridge or at room temperature for 2-3 days before first using
The tea can be prepared by mixing 1-2 tbsp of honey ginger lemon with 200-300 ml lukewarm water
- Because lemon peel is also soaked in honey so the peel should be cleaned well to remove any excess chemical residues remain.
- The jar has to be pasteurized and dry completely before using (water remains in container may affect reserving process.